Sunday, February 21, 2010

Top secrets of Success and Self-mastery #2

If I'd known I was going to live so long, I'd have taken better care of myself.  ~Leon Eldred

“mens sana in corpore sano” which means in a sound body rests a sound mind , In earlier post of this series we discussed advantage of getting up early and which will help you gain extra hours in a day which you can use wisely for success and self-mastery . here are the List of things I suggest you to do after you wake up .

1. Drink Water : Yes drink 1 liter of water Immediately after getting up and this will help your internal organs activate and this is a very ancient practice in yoga .Before you had bed coffee or brush drink water and I guarantee it will do more good to you than you think. 

2.Focus on  Fitness : cycling Squash,badminton,running,jogging,swimming,yoga, attending Gym do any thing you please ,but make sure you do at least one of it ,  If you do not spend time on your self to stay healthy and fit , every thing else you do may go in vain.In this busy and Stressful world you need to stay fit to take the pressures and stress .

With healthy mind and sound body any thing is possible. For the love of your family and life do some thing Important ;Stay Healthy.

3. Meditation : Meditation and  Yoga are two different things, one is for mind other one is for Body . Mind is the most Important you need to take care of , Meditation is the best way to keep your mind healthy and strong. it relaxes You from all the stress and keep your worries at bay making you active and sharper .

4. Read some thing Inspirational in the morning which will fill your day with Inspiration , It can be a biography or your life’s mantra or the Most Important goals of your life you set .

All these you can Achieve in that extra hours you earned by waking Up early , These are simple but very powerful things in life as they will give you more confidence that you can achieve more .  

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  ~World Health Organization, 1948