Saturday, February 20, 2010

Top Secrets of success and self-mastery 1


“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben Franklin, famously

This is the Key idea , get up early , many of us  spend a lot more time on bed than what  we are supposed to spend, an average adult need 6 hours of sleep and that will be enough to keep us fit and active and Sleeping is the best meditation observed a great early-morning man , so instead of how long we sleep ,how well did we sleep matters .

Having a quality sleep makes us energetic and active the entire day , Suppose Now you sleep 8 hours a day if you practice to sleep only for 6 or 7 hours a day for the following 21 days , which will by then be a habit , which will give you additional 60 hours in a month . Which you can use wisely for your success and self-mastery.

That is a great amount of time , ad you can use this extra time you earned by hard work and sincerity and use it wisely to grow in your life.

Many of us have this habit of watching late night TV shows or movies and surf net night and sleep almost by the time we should be awake .This is a very bad Idea , cut your enthusiasm for surfing net,playing games and go to bed as early as possible, you cannot replace a good nights sleep with day sleeping .

If you can win the battle of bed successfully , that means you have a very strong will power and determination . I wish you all the Success .

Tips That will Help you become an Early Riser :

  1. How to Wake Up Early

  2. Waking Up Early – 15 Tips That Work

  3. 10 Benefits of Rising Early, and How to Do It | Zen Habits

  4. How to Become an Early Riser

  5. 21 Tips To Wake Up Early

One key to success is to have lunch at the time of day most people have breakfast.  ~Robert Brault