Thursday, February 18, 2010

Goal Setting the easy way

The first step to successful goal setting is having Realistic goal, yes this is the first an important and you have to define for your what Realistic means . keeping things simple is and minimalistic is a good start.Assume an average human thinks about 10,000 thoughts  a day ,among which 9990 will be what he thought yesterday. And when we have more and more choices and thoughts we get confused and  lose our focus and   this is why we need goals and more complicated ways to organize your ways .

A simple card can solve all your problems.Fill the card with the 10 most important things in your life and stick it to a place where it is visible to you most of the time and your brain will focus more on these ten items .This is a powerful way ,you can set these ten things as you desktop wallpaper or mobile wallpaper.

Keeping things simple,clean and clear will definitely help you. A clean working area and organized workspace will also make your work interesting which helps in achieving goals .

Thanks to Robin Sharma and Leo of Zenhabits for inspiring me write this post .

Here are some Ideas :

  1. Make a ‘THE LIST’ : The first thing you can do is create a List of ten things or tasks that are more Important in your life ,may be goals ,tasks ,they can be any thing but they must be the top ten things in your life ,ten is just number , you can create you create your own list ,brainstorm your ideas , take time and think about all things make the list carefully.
  2. Divide the List : Not all lists are same, each person will have his own priorities and dreams ,so break the list ,divide them again in 6 months ,1 year ,3/5/10 years, dividing them will help you divide in to long term and short term goals .so that you can analyze and organize things in a better planned way .
  3. Create a mantra. Once you’ve chosen your goal, turn it into a personal mantra. This is an idea from Guy Kawasaki, who said that a business should abandon a mission statement and create a 2-5 word mantra instead So use this idea for your personal mantra — how can you put your goal into 2-5 words? Write those words on an index card, or make it your desktop picture/wallpaper, or post it on the wall next to your computer. Do something to ensure that you never forget this mantra — and repeat it out loud every single day.
  4. Days to weeks and weeks to Months : Days will slip into weeks and weeks to months and all these with out being noticed by us ,so To complete goals and achieve them we must work daily and consistently and as we keep focusing our attention daily on these things ,slowly but surely these goals will turn to reality.
  5. Keep Trying ? : Failure is not permanent ,we all plan ,take resolution and decisions still some times we give up or we fail that doesn't mean we lost, we have to keep planning and do our part with dedication and When we fail we have to look back and see where we slipped and carefully analyze where we made mistake and rectify it and Go on ! .

Five steps might sound like a lot, but in reality you’re just 1) choosing a goal and creating a mantra for it; and 2) focusing on shorter-term actions to make that goal a reality.

“You got to be careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra

How do you set and achieve your goals? I’d love to hear what works for you in the comments.