Monday, July 18, 2011

Dream and think

Great achievers have always been laws unto themselves. They are possessed of a dream, also combining with this an abiding capacity to think well and intelligently. Dreaming and thinking - these, thus, go together to bring out masterpieces of excellence.

dream and think Mere thinking without a dream or vision to back it up, would, by itself be prosaic, lacking in brilliance or originality.

Similarly mere dreaming without moorings on intelligent thinking would finally land the concerned person in a fool's paradise.

He would bring endless harm not merely to himself but also drag others who may depend on him, to ruin. Rightly was it said, "Living in a fool's paradise is great fun until the rent comes due".

Intelligent thinking, which goes with capacities to dream and truly wish (iccha sakthi), thus goes with the need to equip oneself with the needed knowledge (gnana sakthi) and also the ability to perform and work in the right and skilful manner (kriya sakthi). Yes, to make one's dream come true, it is necessary to 'wake up' to work not merely hard, but also intelligently.

The concept of right dreaming, that goes also with right thinking has been articulated, in his poem, IF-, by Rudyard Kipling, in this expression: " If you can dream, and not make your dream your master; / If you can think- and not make thoughts your aim". Each aspirant, could, through his own penetrative insight, find immense guidance, from the above lines, as applicable to his own particular case.

Dream and think, for, herein lie opportunities to fly off to your natural and free world!