Friday, March 25, 2011

TED : Ads Worth Spreading

TED ideas worth spreading ! one of my favorite sites , today I saw this  Click here to find out more!image

on their site and as usual it was awesome and I loved the ads and specially this ad from Nike Foundation Girl Effect: The Clock is Ticking .

And this is a very nice initiative and I thought of sharing this with all of you , if you have some time do watch these amazing ads . Click on the Image  !

About these ads the site says

“Here are the 10 winners of our first Ads Worth Spreading competition. With this competition, we're seeking to reverse the trend of online ads being aggressively forced on users. We want to nurture ads so good you choose to watch. On, ads run after our talks, not before. This means they can run longer than the TV-standard 30 seconds. And that's the key! In 2-3 minutes, there's enough time to really tell a story, share an idea, make an authentic human connection, become unforgettable. Instead of ambush, they offer pleasurable, intelligent engagement. We invite you to view, comment, rate, share -- or start a TED Conversation about these ads! ”