Sunday, November 1, 2009

When did you last talked to yourself?

Seriously how often do you talk to yourself ? and that too about you?.

We all are social beings and we need some one to share our thoughts and feelings, and when we are having a bad time or depressed the want to share doubles and if one is lucky there will be someone who understands and try to help and which makes us forget those bad things and  carry on with life.

But if you don't have that some one and no one is helping you out ,you will feel as if you are the only person in the whole world who is having problems,troubles and so on , but coming to reality this period is the best time in our life ,the golden period this is the time when you can start talking to yourself and you will know your true self.

When you are in this period of bad/sad time nothing seems to you so important in the world other than the thing which made you sad or bad.some people let it out by crying for hours and some control  emotions but they cry inside.People start talking to themselves in these periods asking all sorts of questions to themselves, their friends and family members and The Almighty he too is not exempted.

When ever possible talk to your self and always stay in contact with your self and that is more important thing in life,we use social networking sites to connect with friends and family members and never bother about our self,we are Disconnecting from ourselves and many don't realize it.Life is a simple and most beautiful thing and we make it complicated in all possible ways and we live in a a unrealistic world.

We seek happiness from out side and Know Thy Self is a Classic concept why i called it a classic is every one uses it but no body even try to understand themselves.realistic approach is the best way to live your life,not in dreams,not in hypes and most importantly not in EXPECTATIONS.When you start expecting some thing that is the moment you start taking chances and that may lead to disappointment and  this relation is always directly proportional and more you expect more chances of disappointment which may also lead to depression and break downs and so on.

So talk to yourself as often as you can and  know your biggest gift ,being alive and using your brain.try to use it more often if you are having a problem don't react to it like a switch and bulb,If i have a problem then is should be sad or crying and depressed don't live life like this try to understand your problem and compare with reality absolute ground reality and while comparing please don't involve your emotions like anger,love,Hope ..etc.

Be true to yourself,Always remember Never cheat the man in the mirror and try to think about yourself and things you can do and you cannot do.and Happiness is your birth right it’s a journey not a destination so talk to yourself,assess yourself ,analyze and evaluate and stay happy.

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