Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Other Door in your life

I have experienced this first-hand, not once but several times. It was really hard to see that “other door” the first time.

We are faced with challenges and opportunities everyday of our lives. What we do with them can make all the difference.

Too many people remain in their unhappy life, because it’s the easiest thing to do. So much simpler to maintain the status quo.

No challenges….

No worries about failure….

No hard work….

Nothing to fear…

But here is the flipside:

Missing an incredibly life-changing opportunity…

Succeeding beyond your wildest dreams…

Lots of work but personally rewarding…

Overcoming a fear that leaves you empowered….

I used to be afraid of changing anything in my life. I walked thru life with blinders and constantly settled…convincing myself that I was happy with the way things were.

For the longest time, I didn’t know these doors existed. Until one day when I calmed my mind and looked at my life with a new set of eyes. All of a sudden, several possibilities or “doors” presented themeselves.

I worked up the courage to open one of those doors.

I found a magical life on the other side. The best lesson I learned from opening that “other” door was that it empowered me. I tried something new and it was wonderful.

Sure I might have failed…but I didn’t. The second door was a little easier to open. The third even more so. I know that I can do anything I want with my life….

Article Written by Maria For Booksoftware