The kingdom of this world
An old hermit was once invited to visit the court of the most powerful king of those times.
- I envy such a saintly man, who is content with so little - said the ruler.
- I envy Your Majesty, who is content with even less that I - responded the hermit.
- How can you say such a thing, if this entire country belongs to me? - said the offended king.
- For precisely that reason. I have the music of the celestial spheres, I have the rivers and mountains of the whole world, I have the moon and the sun, because I have God in my soul. Your Majesty, on the other hand, has only this kingdom.
The ancestor's bones
There was a king of Spain who was very proud of his ancestors, and who was known for his cruelty to the weak.
One time, he was walking with his advisers across a field in Aragon, where - years before - he had lost his father during a battle, when he found a holy man searching a large pile of bones.
- What are you doing there? - asked the king.
- Honored greetings, Your Majesty - said the holy man. - When I heard that the king of Spain was coming this way, I resolved to recover the bones of your late father and present them to you. But however hard I search, I cannot find them: they are exactly the same as the bones of country folk, the poor, beggars and slaves.
Fetch another sort of doctor
A powerful monarch called a holy father - everyone said he had healing powers - to help him with his back ache.
- God will help us - said the holy man. - But first let us understand the reason for these pains. I suggest Your Majesty confesses now, for confession makes men face up to their problems, and liberates much guilt.
Annoyed at having to think about so many problems, the king said:
- I do not wish to speak of these matters; I need someone who heals without asking questions.
The priest went off and returned half an hour later with another man.
- I believe that words can relieve pain, and help me to discover the right path to a cure - he said. - But you do not wish to talk, and I cannot help you. This is the man you need: my friend here is a veterinarian, and does not generally speak to his patients.
Thanks to Paulo Coelho