Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wass up 2009 ?

If 2009 is personified what would it reply?Nothing much mate its time for me to join history And yearbooks, as you people are so heartless , you wont begin a farewell party for me,instead you are partying to welcome a new year.

What difference will it make to you ?2009 said : I don't want to be remembered as a year with many failures ,I want to be remembered as a year of CHANGE ,not only for America but for entire world. And it continued

King of Pop died in my arms, yeah that's sad, and Mumbai's terrorist attack also took place and above all Copenhagen is a complete failure, all these makes me sick, I said, don't worry we will learn some lessons from these experiences and will not let them happen again.

You people always think so, said 2009 and I said you are talking very pessimistic way ,see the bright side America chanted, Change and Brought a Leader with new vision and dream ,lets hope he will succeed . I was glad that 2009 almost forgot about Recession and did not spoke about it ,or else the entire conversation would be about it .and Experts also say its recovering fast, I don't think India was affected at all.

2009 said we have a lot to discuss but discussions alone cannot help you build a better New year and what really needed is the Change ,change from words to Actions.lets hope you guys will have an action filled 2010 ,and try to have a pleasant year .

I said gracias and goodbye amigo ,with a heavy heart and i think what 2010 holds in store for the world.

                                                                                      Namaste , kalyan