Wednesday, December 30, 2009

New Year Resolutions ? Can you stick to them ?

What are new resolutions ? They are  some good changes you want to bring into your life,because you don't like the existing ones and want to remove them from your life permanently .

Most common new year resolutions I hear are ,

  1. I want to shed some kilos .
  2. Quit smoking,drinking.
  3. Start writing dairy

Its easy to say but hard to follow,and we live in a world of broken promises and we cannot keep the promise we made to self. Once you commit to a thing in life you must stick to it,or don't commit at all.

Saying some thing and not doing it will weaken your character and moral values.Actually to bring goodness and greatness in life you really don't need a Particular date (January 1st 2010 )here,you can do it any time.

If you want to quit smoking ,don't wait till that day,start today and its not really that hard ,keep on trying till you completely should be master of your desires not the other way round.Paths are made by walking and not by waiting ,so start walking towards greatness and Goodness .

What seemingly impossible is possible all you have to do is keep trying