Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Art Of Mind Gardening

James Allen in his book as a man Thinketh compares Mind to a garden and says every action we do is because of the seed we planted long back and good seeds yield good results .Every thought is a seed and its effects may not be immediate but in long term they will shape you.he says  They them selves are makers of themselves and is a collection of powerful ideas..

And Robin Sharma in his best seller “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” tells a beautiful story of a sumo walking through a garden ,In which Mind is the garden and If you take care of your mind garden and Nurture it properly you will reap benefits beyond your expectations.

every good thought will bring you happiness,have bad thoughts and  sadness will be your shadow and keep this thought in mind all the time. and slowly you will start to fear to have bad reap what you sow ,so be careful with your thoughts as they will become actions.

Mind is like a magnet you think good thoughts and your mind will attract only goodness and you will find  river of goodness to quench your thirst and to keep your mind always in that path needs serious efforts.

Its easy to cross the lines,break rules but real challenge lies in staying in the box and taking charge of your life.act hard on our life or it will.Your mind garden needs Protection all the time,a single negative thought or bad thought means allowing a weed or bug in to your garden.

Always having good thoughts and mastering your thoughts will produce a lot of Positive vibrations in your life and will provide you with Infinite energy and strength to take charge of your life.So master the art of mind gardening and all the success in life will follow you.

                                                                                                                            Namaste                                                                                                                                   kalyan