Sunday, February 27, 2011

Don't Be Stuck With Guilt Pangs Forever

How to redeem myself from a nagging sense of guilt?

There can be different kinds of guilt. It could have something to do with past action the memory of which haunts you, creating mental pressure.

Another kind of guilt is to do with present action, when you continue to do something that you feel is wrong, unable to stop it. Then again, you may categorise guilt depending on the kind of wrong it involves: violent actions like murder and rape, stealthy actions like lying, lack of restraint like overeating and oversleeping. Some actions may involve you alone while others might involve others. You could even feel guilty about not paying taxes to the government.

To get rid of guilt, first understand that you must first discontinue those actions that make you feel guilty.

But how can i stop myself from doing undesirable actions?

There is a way. Evaluate the cause and the consequences of the practice, its degrading and weakening effects on your mind and body. You must always weigh its deeper and long-term harmful effects against its immediate attraction or pleasure. Initially, you may at times allow it physically. But denounce it mentally, sternly. Every time you fail in your resolve you must feel bad about the failure. This repeated assertion and condemnation will strengthen the mind against the indulgence.

With regard to any action done by the body, we feel, “I have done it. I had willed it”. That means, we identify our ‘ego’ as the cause of the action. Imposing this causality on our own self is called kartrtva (doership). Consequently, we associate ourselves with the results of the action also. If something bad results, we feel penitent thinking that we are the cause for it. In the case of something good or great taking place, we feel similarly elated. This egoistic association with the results or fruits of an action is called bhoktrtva (enjoyership or sufferership). Both these notions will have to be dissolved. And that can take place only through enlightenment.

What do you mean by enlightenment?

Enlightenment is that stage where the ego drops and the bondages cease. You understand the role of Nature (prakrti) and the illusory role of the ego. Guilt is only a kind of kartrtva-bhoktrtva feeling. Free yourself of all affectations.

Can’t we get rid of guilt without spiritual illumination?

Our mind has got unlimited power to assimilate any input. We tend to say “time heals”. What heals is the mind itself by virtue of its own healing power. It is ignorance that causes suffering. You suffer unduly because you do not know what lies within you. The Self within you - which you constantly refer to as ‘I’ - is the supreme power that has created this entire universe. The more and more you dwell upon the magnificence of this ‘I’ - your true identity - the more you will imbibe its brilliance, strength and vastness. Whenever you are assailed by some wrong thoughts or constrictions you would like to overcome, whenever you fail to imbibe some virtues or qualities you would like to have, sit in a place, close your eyes and contemplate upon the supreme power within you. Whenever the senses become turbulent, moderate them by the application of your mind.

If the mind is confused, treat and direct it with your intelligence. When everything fails, close your eyes and dive within.  By Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha