Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Yogasanas For Health, Beauty And Wellness

Yoga, the art and science of maintaining physical and mental well-being that has its origin in India, is among the most ancient yet vibrant living traditions that’s getting increasingly popular today. A potent stress-buster, yoga is an instrument to self-evolvement and enlightenment, through physical and mental well-being. Multi-dimensional, it enhances the quality of our lives at so many levels. One aspect of yoga’s benefits is to explore the bond between yoga, health and beauty.

Broadly, the word beauty incorporates physical, mental and spiritual beauty. It is a subtle balance of inner and outer beauty. Yogasanas when performed with perseverance, precision, patience, pleasure and ‘shraddha’, yield highly rewarding results. They promote health and consequently beauty. But to derive maximum benefit one has to embark on this daily practice or rather pilgrimage, with unflagging passion and commitment.

An ardent practitioner of asanas will reflect unusual grace, poise and beauty. Asanas keep the spinal column supple, strong and healthy. This results in a steady and erect posture, boosting self-confidence. During asanas, the alternate stretching and relaxa-tion of muscles facilitates blood circulation and supply of oxygen, rejuvenating every cell of the body.

Various yogic postures gently massage internal vital organs, keeping them in perfect health. Consequently, our various systems function in complete harmony. The endocrine glands are stimulated and work with precision. Cholesterol levels are kept in check and the blood pressure is normalised. This internal harmony cleanses and detoxifies the body and boosts the immune system.

Asanas make the body toned, strong and flexible. Standing asanas like the Tadasana and Trikonasana result in perfectly toned and shapely legs and ankles. Certain inverted postures like the Sarvangasana — the shoulder stand, the 'king of asanas' — results in blood flowing freely and profusely to the neck, face and hair. Facial skin becomes taut and wrinkle-free, attaining a radiant glow. The hair becomes thick and glossy, and the eyes acquire a natural shine.

Asanas speed up metabolism, resulting in a slim figure. There is no accumulation of fat anywhere in the body.

Forward bending like the Paschimottanasana and Uttanasana result in a flab-free abdomen. Naukasana and Aradhamatsendra result in a narrow, small waist. Facial features acquire a chiselled, fat-free look. This natural pampering of the body by asanas also results in slowing down the ageing process, both physical and mental.

A prolific sadhak or practitioner remains youthful, attractive, alert and at peace with himself. Then we are in touch with ourselves and can live life to the fullest. Inner calm and joy are reflected on the face of the yogi.

When the body is so blissfully healthy, the mind reciprocates. Thus, in this happy, healthy body resides an equally joyous and healthy mind, which is balanced and in perfect equilibrium with the body. This in turn leads to

positivism in our thoughts, actions and relationships.

With regular and committed practice, toxins are got rid of. Greed, jealousy, and anger are washed away. The maintenance of the various asanas for a few minutes at a time results in acquiring tenacity and concentration. This inner and outer beauty provides totality to the yogi’s personality. Asanas work both on the body and mind, and elevate and purify our consciousness, resulting in beauty of body, mind and soul.