Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's A Dream-like World That Seems Illusory

At the end of the Mahabharata war Arjuna came to meet his grandfather Bhishma who was lying on a bed of arrows that Arjuna had shot. Bhishma was waiting for an auspicious day to leave his mortal coils. Arjuna asked: “Pitamah, where do you expect me to bury your body after you leave this earthly abode?" Bhishma smilingly said, “Bury my body in a place where i was not buried before". Accordingly, Arjuna selected a place on the banks of the Yamuna river and performed suitable rituals. As he lifted the axe to dig the ground he heard a voice, 'Shatam Bhishma' which meant that Bhishma was buried here over hundred times. This shall mean that everyone of us is born and has died countless times ever since birth and death started happening on this universe.

This is what is called sansar, a word that not only means engaging in worldly life, but also includes birth and death in this world ad infinitum. This sansar is a long unending disease for which the sure and best medicine is true inquiry. Wise men have said that we are not bound by maya or illusion in reality, but we only have the false feeling that we are bound by illusion. This delusion can only be averted by proper inquiry. Once a herd of hundred donkeys was being taken on a hill by the owner of the herd. On the way he had to rest at an inn. He was afraid of his donkeys escaping at night while he would be asleep. But he did not have sufficient length of rope to tie them all; he only had a small length of rope which was hardly sufficient to tie one donkey. So he planned in such a way that he pretended tying the small rope around legs of each of the donkeys. In actual fact he did not tie the rope to any in the herd. Next morning when he pushed each donkey it hardly moved thinking that it was tied by its master. Only when he pretended to untie them did they begin to move.

Similarly, we too are led to think that we are bound by so many of our karmas or past deeds and hence we are made to suffer. We also undertake purification rituals to get over them. But in reality it is realisation that is needed. This realisation cannot happen even by performing hundreds of such rituals. The realisation that this sansar is only dream-like and the truth is beyond it helps one initially pass through the hurdles of life. That is why it is also said, 'Avicharena kritobadhah, vicharena nivartate', which means that we are bound to karmas only because of non-inquiry and the solution to it cannot be rituals but right inquiry to get at the truth. What has come by non-inquiry can only go by right inquiry.

Inquiry allows realisation of the truth; realisation of dream-nature of sansar and true nature of Self (atman). One may defy this dream theory. But to say that this world is created hardly arouses right reasoning for there need to exist a witness to such creation and this witness had to precede Creation. Another reasoning to support the dream nature is that any creation ought to have a stuff for creation and this stuff should have been created earlier.