Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How To Hit A Century In The Game Of Life

The century mark is considered a landmark achievement. Scoring a hundred runs is cause for celebration in the game of cricket just as in life. We are blessed with bountiful nature. We enjoy its fruit almost effortlessly.

Once we analyse the process through which this production crystallises, it is astonishingly intricate. There is essentially something wonderful about what we receive from nature. The human body is like entire creation. It is Brahmand simulated.

The human body is composed of millions of cells, containing the building blocks of life. The tool of knowledge unfolds the complicated and intricate nature of cells. Think of a million groups, each one composed of a million subgroups. Human existence is regulated by minute living organisms and therein lies great philosophy.

The human body is often described as a vessel and it is so if we look at its innumerable contents. Scientists estimate that the number of cells in the human body could tot up to several trillion. Human lifespan depends on the health of these cells.

Medical science makes it clear that longevity can be compromised by tension and stress.

The Ishopanishad in its second shloka enunciates that one can aspire to live for a hundred years if one so desires. But for this, you need to adopt certain practices. It emphasises that right living is the only way to achieve this.

Selfless actions generate healing energy and minimise damage to the cells and in this manner they ensure longevity. When the body is stressed by selfish pursuits, a chain reaction develops that hampers normal functioning of cells. This shortens their lifespan.

The human body is like a supercomputer with bionic chips at work. Overloading the body with selfish pursuits impairs functional efficiency. Too much clutter consumes and diverts valuable life-giving energy and this adversely affects not only the lifespan but also quality of life. Selfless action makes one's life transparent which ensures that we remain free from unnecessary tension and stress.

The Upanishads make it clear that we are evolved, involved and ultimately dissolved by Brahmn. The existence of Brahmn is unitary but its forms are countless. Longevity is ensured if we use the energy available judiciously.

Solar energy is responsible for sustenance of life. Intrinsically, food and oxygen are fuel. Not merely this, even provocative thoughts, strong desires and selfish actions act as fuel that erode the lifespan. Righteous life and transparent living are low-energy fuels but they sustain life in a dignified and durable way. Right living is therefore crucial to achieving a long life.

Irresponsible living is the breeding ground for ego which is high-energy fuel that burns the body rapidly. Yoga can be fruitful only if the body is kept pollution-free. Purity can only be achieved by a transparency which is the product of right living.

The human body has evolved in a manner that equips it for survival. However, the body is highly sensitive and if we treat it carelessly and roughly, we would not only weaken it; we would also be compromising the mind since the welfare of one contributes to the welfare of the other.

We need to treat our bodies with care. You have every chance to hit a century or to achieve Shatayu, the coveted hundred year-mark, provided you live a holistic life of equipoise.