Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Cosmic Treasure Hunt For The Real Universe

A fundamental question that arises in the spiritual mind is: What is absolute and what is real? It is difficult to explain the two things to a lay person. No matter how intelligent one is, the absolute and the real cannot be fathomed through the senses and earthly means.

One of the foremost conditions to delve into the depth of the real and the absolute is by detachment from earthly possessions. Once that is done some understanding of the real can be made.

However, the real is still beyond reach because there are certain things that come into the picture as one moves into higher zones from the unreal to the real. In fact, to know reality one has to move into a state of the unknown.

A black hole cannot be described in absolute terms. For no matter or light that comes near a black hole can escape. So it is truly difficult to know the real nature of black holes. The latest scientific advances so far have failed to get the real picture of the black hole.

A black hole is just a phenomenon which takes place for certainty but which cannot be described. In other words, to understand black holes one just needs to be present near the site or see the black hole sucking matter by some distant telescope, which however cannot tell the true picture.

It is clear that any theory about the real and absolute are just guidelines for the real is far removed from what it is projected to be. Only a person who has come close to observe the real can know what is real. The rest can only guess.

To know the real one needs to discard all theoretical knowledge, all academic and spiritual burdens and just be alone. Let even your own shadow, ego and other subtle things fail you. Then there is a possibility that one can come close to the real.

What is this state and what is left there? Firstly there will not be anything to see therefore one does not need any sensory organ to witness the state.

Consider that each person is Brahmn encompassing the whole universe. Isn't that what Krishna says to Arjun in the Gita and shows the whole universe dwelling in him? So if each being is considered as full and representing the universe, what is left is nothing. You, me and all others are Brahmn and hence universe. So where is the real universe? In fact, there is no such thing as the absolute universe.

The universe that we see is a projection of the mind, the display of the sensory organs. The work for a scientist to solve calculus and mathematical equations. In reality there is no universe and that's it. Each person is a copy of the universe or whatever that term means.

There are as many universes on earth as there are beings. Not only beings but as many atoms. Each being mirrors the universe and so absolute universe is infinity, which can be neither determined nor known. The best way to know reality and the absolute is to slowly dissociate from earthly, materialistic and sensory things. At the end only the absolute remains which just cannot be defined.

The writer lives in Vichy, France.