Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to Write an Editorial

Writing an article is quite different from writing an editorial ,Articles in news papers or magazines are data and news that flow in and carefully filtered and presented ,While a Editorial is a Carefully created work .Workflow of an Editorial

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Editorials have a high reputation and respect in the hearts and minds of readers as they involve a lot of work and research to create them .They are also the mostly filled with facts and nonbiased opinions.

Editorial = Thesis + Research + Little bit of Emotions + Personal Touch of Writer or Team + Facts and Related Data + Good persuasive writing (with out grammar* or spelling mistakes ) + Never use ‘I’.

The above summed up equation is derived by reading the following articles ,they help you to give a basic idea on how to write a good editorial ,but only by honing and by practicing writing  one can write good editorials .

So here are some articles that will help you to Learn about Writing an Editorial.

They also provide a lot of scope for expressing the present situation of the item under discussion and  length up to 800 words is considered good,its not how length or how many facts in it that matter,but the essential punch lines supporting the writers opinion that matter and ultimate decision of judging lies with the reader .

* Till 4th Grade I used Grammer instead of Grammar