Monday, August 30, 2010

How to Manufacture Subtle Energies

Meditation is a way of manufacturing what we call ojas. When we eat food, digestion manufactures the body in a certain way. This is important for our physical existence, but the body by itself does not serve any purpose. The body can be a means of great suffering. The body is capable of pleasure also but its limitations will be unfulfilling over a period of time.

In meditation, we are using energy to manufacture something much subtler than the physical body. Now the process of shifting life forces into a different level of manufacture, where instead of physical body cells, it begins to manufacture subtler energies, or ojas, is known as meditation.

The quality, intensity and volume of ojas make the difference between one human being and another. Why one person's presence seems to be so strong and transforming, and another's weak is simply because of the ojas he carries with him. A meditator is someone who has set up an industry of ojas.

Right now, it is quite limiting and frustrating not to allow people to go into higher states of energy and ojas simply because people don't have the necessary balance, preparedness, discipline or are unable to understand the priorities they need to allocate to different dimensions of their life. There are many things you can do to dissipate and destroy the growth of ojas in you. Various types of mental activity can do that.

Certain types of physical activity, excessive sexuality, indulgence in food, too much of stimulants and being in contaminated atmospheres can also do that. Spirituality is going into processes that can enhance one's ojas and change the very fundamentals of life; to take a person to a completely different experience, of joy within himself and a blissfulness which is not only his, which will be everybody's around him.

Your meditation is not only about yourself. If 25 people in a hall become truly meditative, the whole town, without knowing why, will become peaceful. Without having any idea about what is happening to them, there will be a certain sense of settling. The deeper one goes into it, the more of a device he becomes for everybody's well-being. It is not by mouthing good things that true peace and well-being will come. Only when people carry the right kind of energy around them, only when their ojas is such that a hundred people can sit under their shadow, and experience it, only then well-being will truly happen.

Quite a few people are experientially open and definitely capable of generating higher possibilities of energy. But modern life has made people absolutely fickle. You're simply shifting all the time, from this to that, whether it comes to jobs, priorities, education or relationships. Your energy also becomes unstable.

If all we want to teach is a simple technique of meditation, or something for your health and well-being, i can train people to do that in two to three weeks' time, maybe four weeks. We can train teachers to go on imparting meditation, kriyas and whatever little things that are necessary for one's physical and mental well-being. Out of a thousand people who come, you may find a dozen people who are capable of higher possibilities.

Only if you make yourself available to higher and higher possibilities, it's only then that grace can descend and do something that you yourself could never do. Only then this can become a very fulfilling process for an individual.

By : Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev