Monday, March 1, 2010

A Leader’s Greatest Prayer: Wisdom

I have prayed more for wisdom than for anything else. But why would a leader pray for wisdom? It’s very simple. There are many times when I don’t know what to do and am in over my head. And when you are in over your head, it doesn’t matter how deep you are, you are still in over your head. You can drown in 7 feet of water just as easy as 70 feet.

When I am in over my head, I pray to God to help me. Wisdom is knowing what to do next. What leader doesn’t need to know that? Skill is knowing how to do it. Virtue is doing it.

Dr. William J. Mayo said, “When knowledge is translated into proper action, we speak of it as wisdom.”

Knowing is not enough we must apply,willing is not enough we must be do. Once there used to be a notion Leader is one who shows the way ,now people are no longer thinking like that ,Real leader is one who we see in our daily life ,who influences people.

Respect to one person is we need to earn,“Everyone has the right to speak, but you have to earn the right to be heard.”To improve your leadership one needs to improve his wisdom .we all are leaders in life one needs to bring out his leadership qualities a and every activity you do is exercising your leadership .