Sunday, February 28, 2010

The land of Billion critics!

Are you familiar with Russell Peters and his sarcasm , he is a standup comedian and only suggested to ADULTS .In one of his shows He calls Indians CHEAP. I bet you will laugh when he says it , watching his show is a real fun .

Yes we are cheap and we are many more ,only Indians can be Indians.No comparison with any other country whatsoever.A different kind ok imperialism still prevails in India.There are billions things only possible in India and we are proud of it , not talking about vada pao or bhel puri or any other Indian roadside snack .Angry cricket fans Indians

An average Indian first compares himself or in fact any thing he compares will be with America.Recently in Mumbai a new bridge was built , it took a lot of time for construction and It was finally opened to public the ,the first thing i heard was If it was in America they would have built it much faster.What are ****.

You cannot just take away the cynicism and Negativity in people of India no matter what,If team India (cricket)wins there will be no limit for celebrations and if they loose there will be no stopping for criticism .Some times  while watching news or reading Tweets I feel like slapping that person as hard as I can , but I will laugh at their Ignorance and move on .

Every body advises he should have played like that or That politician should have done like that ,just Imagine 24/7 some one saying or criticizing how you do the things and how they should be .Is it a easy feeling can you just walk away ignoring them . Not all Indians are like this but  99 % are .(that spares 1 crore + intelligent people )

Overreacting to any thing and every thing  From movie to Sports there is every thing hyped or controversial  news all the time.You know the best time pass for Indians it’s “Blaming”. yeah its true.

Yeah first thing in morning blame the newspaper guy who brought your paper late .come on he is too a human ,he has to wake up a 4 am while you are enjoying your a/c sleep , in the cold morning (I used to Observe them Daily while I was Studying)they have to wake up ,come to a common joint where they arrange all papers in orders and quantities as of their distribution areas and then he will start distributing . this is not a easy task .for all this he does not ear much.

paper boy then government,traffic jams,your boss, each and every one gets blamed.Its funny how people react ,if there is a discussion about Corruption #1 problem of India ,people talk so interestingly and they convince you that they have solution for this problem (try listening to these kind of discussion in Saloons,buses,cafes..etc they are super awesome)and he will be returning to home on his two wheeler and when a Traffic cop stops him  and ask him for basic requirements ,then the real Indian comes out ,He will most likely will not be carrying some required document .

Bribery starts,you should watch how funny it will be ,the cop will settle any thing between 50 to 100 it depends on how well you bargain , This is Real India ,come on Bribery and Corruption are so common . From movie piracy ,music piracy ,Illiteracy,prostitution,child labor, nonfunctioning Government schools and Hospitals  they are every where .Billion people and zillion problems.

Not every thing is 100 % not functioning,there are still good govt hospitals  and schools but one or two in a Hundred. I am not blaming or trying to compare with America i just want my fellow country people to be realistic and see the real world.India is not America and can never be ,you cannot make Indian and America even after 10000 years.

We are some thing unique just like every other country ,thousands of languages,religions,corrupted and good politicians ,Millions of dogmatic and Idiotic thinkers ,all at one place still we are able to put some real good show,in all sectors.Every 3 person in India is fooled by either politician or some religious group ,still we expect a double digit GDP .(height of hope I guess)

Where every house have its own war to win ,a Epic or Ramayana happening in every house,where people are unable to think nothing else except their families and problem, who has got time to thing what happens society? they just blame for a moment and forget it .life Goes on Only in INDIA … They just cant stop it and think about it ,happy blaming .

I didn't meant to hurt any one or their sentiments and this is purely my personal opinion .