Friday, February 26, 2010

Give Me 5 minutes and I’ll Give You Will Power.

Given the will power man makes everything out of nothing as it were. In the absence of will power, all his talents and qualities and endowments come to nothing.

Will Power ,Every one in life falls and that's how we learn from our mistakes and we continue our journey ,falling is normal ,getting up and having same level of dedication before fall, that's what makes a person special.many people dream but only a few succeed and there will be many reasons for why he is successful but only one that makes the difference is Will power .Lord Your Will power.

Will power is like Light , and all evil is darkness ,Resist no evil that's the purpose of life will power is your weapon.Every thing that distract you from your goal is evil and you need to resist it.Breaking loose is easy but controlling is hard thing we all know that .When we get angry we shout or may slip our tongue and say some thing which will make us regret.With lots of will power we can control our emotions.

Will power in early stages of life will make you a better person,unfortunately there are lot more distraction in childhood and many of us really don't develop a good will power ,better late than never,Today is the best day to start again and move toward a better life.

Why we need it ? To say no to all those activities and things which makes you weak and don't help you improve in life.There is no glory or greatness not living life  to your fullest potential ,many of life errors happen in these weak moments and all negativity is injected during these bad hours ,resist them and more than half of your life problems will be solved.

Develop a Will of iron ,control your mind in such a way that if you don't want to do a thing no matter what happens you will not do that thing , This is also a key in developing good habits and leaving bad habits.You don't need a therapy or any thing to quit some thing bad , you need to know that it is bad and make up your mind to change forever this is perfect will power.

The problem, and the solution to it, lies with our thoughts, or to be more precise, with our will power. It is the will which needs to be trained. To this, one should become the master of the chariot, instead of becoming a slave to the senses and the mind or thoughts. This is an inner training wherein the Mind has to be strengthened and re-educated. It has to learn to control the senses and the mind, and not be controlled by them.

The perfection of such will power is attained only when one is able to say with all joy and spontaneity; “Lord, Thy will be done, not my will!”.

How did you develop your will power ?or how it helped you in your life ? Share your thoughts and Hope you liked this article please share the Positive energy .