Thursday, February 25, 2010

Be Still and Reclaim life.

What is be still ? We Play the game of life as life wanted it, not as we wanted it to be , we always want to be occupied with some thing in life if we don't do an thing then we are bored ,if we over do any thing that thing gets bored . from emails,tweets,text messages ,Face book or other real life activities we have to do some thing all the time .or else we are not working .Be still and reclaim life

from the moment we woke up till we sleep ,we are working , giving it various names life passion,hobby,dreams ,goals money money ,we are selling ourselves .not knowing what we doing still we doing some thing ,one of my friend recently told me “I want to runaway from this life ,I am fed up” he works like a machine and he is just 22…

Why so busy lives ,what is the point in living, if we cannot spend time with families,for ourselves. almost every one in this planet works to feed and take care of their we are earning for buying homes,cars,more money more work ..modern slavery system dominates the world. Change in Life is good and its should not modify your lifestyle .show some respect for life,by living it.

“You need not leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, simply wait. You need not even wait, just learn to become quiet, and still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.”  Franz Kafka, Austrian philosopher

Be Still

yeah every day throw out all the lives tension and work and all the thing that eats your brain ,throw them and be calm.and your brain deserves that rest. Your mind is like a well , so deep yet so calm , with out disturbing its calmness you cannot take the water of the well and we all know that ,but after that it will come back to its normal state and will be calm as if nothing happened .

Your mind and your body are two separate thing , you need to be still,give it time for calm down , and think about yourself and your life , when you care so much for your life it will care you back.take time and relax ten minutes  ,just like a child complete ten minutes with out thinking about any thing ,literally nothing .

Listen to your breath , and your heart beat , so peaceful it will be , you cannot buy this pleasure for all the money in the world. it so pleasing and amazingly it don't take the momentum of your work flow it increases it .Be still,clam and have peace in heart.Realize life and its greatness before you lost it all .

What did you do to day to improve your life and Stillness of mind ?