Monday, June 25, 2012

The Meaning less life …

Why Should our lives have meaning ? why should we all live Noble lives pursuing the enlightenment, the nirvana ? Why have you been told to be  like this or that ? 

Why cant we follow our own rules ? Why cant we decide what to think what not to think ? what is wrong or right ?

I am sure every rule we see is having selfishness as core  , and there is nothing great in following or breaking rules as long as you feel comfortable , once you feel you are threatened you make or break rules right ?

Jai Sri Ram ! that's how most of the Indians Lord Rama life is a message greet each other , it’s a common custom in north India at least , RAMA the great king ,with such noble deeds and character rose to become the LORD RAMA , the GOD to billion people .

But how many Indian men are like Rama ? When we set some one as Idol , we should try to be like them one day ! Rama never gave any speech saying you should be like this , He Lived a life which is a message it self .

How many of us can proudly say my life is my message ?

Every one cannot be A Gandhi or Mother Theresa , but we can try to be better  than ourselves , Living a wonderful life , thought with out a meaning or a purpose ,but still making an Impact ! think about it …