Saturday, May 26, 2012

How to Focus On Your Dreams

Lost time is never found again.Benjamin Franklin

The first thing I do in the morning is to check my email and Facebook , I am sure I am not the only person with this habit in democratic republic of internet , but it is a bad habit according to my guru Robin Sharma .

Why ? The morning is the most important part of the day , it  certainly decides how your day is going to be . If you start your day with meditation or yoga or some exercise it will definitely help you , checking mails will definitely make you How to Focus lazy.

The one thing that is common to all the 7 billion people in this world is TIME , and why is it some people achieve every thing ,while most people keep repeating I don't have time mantra ? all with in the same 24 hours ? Shall we hire Sherlock ?

First, think about how many hours you spend online these days. There’s a host of ways that people spend their time online: email, blog feeds, Twitter, IM, online forums, newsgroups, stumbling across new sites, eBay, Digg,  Reddit, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr … the list goes on and on. Which online activities are your biggest time consumers? A time audit might be quite surprising.

I am not saying its bad to use all these services , but using them to help you reach your goal and making productive usage of technology is more important. Invest the same time you spend online in some other career and life changing habits and see the amount of time you will get to follow your dreams .

It time to chase your dreams here's how !

Plan you day :

Benjamin Franklin Taught me this amazing lesson , he divide a normal day in to 5 parts. Morning which starts with a question what good shall i do today ? ,noon,afternoon,evening and night .

By planning a wonderful day you will channelize all your energy on to your priorities and then you can do what ever you want , nothing will be impossible, you can complete an unfinished book ,or some project , only sky can be the limit .

Eliminate :

Eliminate the unnecessary , Limit your online usage , Stay away from TV ,this will add a extra few hours to your day to do the productive stuff. But make sure you are focusing on the essentials and doing the stuff that matters most to you in these productive hours.

Excuses begone !

If you say yes to the unnecessary you are saying no to the necessary . We always find excuses to everything , Excuses makes a good umbrella but a bad roof . If you promise your self that you wont check your smart phone until you complete some thing , or reach page 94 or some thing like that , you will probably  break your promise ,specially when you are trying this for first time , please you don't give in to your excuses and stay focused on your goal .

Dreams on Fire

dreams ignite the passion inside us ,chase them ,live for them , you will find abundance of time if you have the will , If you have a dream just go after it , get crazy , avoid every thing else for it , Stick to your schedule, go online less, work less but on more productive tasks, and you’ll now have time to do everything you always wanted to do .

Focus Focus Focus

By identifying which tasks produce the most income or value for you, you can work more on those tasks to the exclusion of all others. Most of the rest of the tasks on your list aren’t necessary. Drop them or delegate them. And when you do work on those big tasks, work with intense focus, eliminating all distractions, not allowing yourself to switch to other tasks. Don’t multi-task — work with focus and you can complete your tasks faster.

Your dreams can become a reality, if you can eliminate the unnecessary and work on the important. That will mean you’ll suffer some withdrawal pains, but trust me, the rewards are well worth it.