Monday, November 15, 2010

Freemasonry To Make Good Men Better

Freemasonry is based on the principle of fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man, concerned with moral and spiritual values. Its precepts are taught by a series of rituals, which follow ancient forms and stonemasons’ customs, tools and allegorical guides. Its avowed objective is to make good men better.

Freemasonry is often mistaken to be a secret society but it does not conceal the time and place of its meetings, nor do its members hide their membership. Universal, its modes of recognition are of interest only to freemasons and are not therefore revealed to non-masons. They are thus no different from the passwords prevalent among Internet and credit card users to prevent misuse.

The universal symbol of Freemasonry are the square and compasses. As non-operative, but speculative or figurative masons, the working tools used by masons for cons-truction of buildings are applied by freemasons to their morals. The square used to prove right angles symbolises the square conduct expected to be followed by freemasons at all times.

The compasses, which are used to measure limits and proportions of the plan of the building represent the limits of good and evil within which freemasons are always expected to act. The plumb line used to prove uprights and perpendi-culars is symbolic of the uprightness of actions to be borne in mind by freemasons at all times. The level used to prove horizontals represents equality. Other working tools also teach similar lessons.

The universal motto of Freemasonry is “Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth”. Charity is the predominant characteristic of every freemason. Freemasonry teaches the practice of the virtues of temperance, fortitude, prudence and justice as well as that of faith, hope and charity. Virtue, honour and mercy are its distinguishing aspects. It is committed to extend the hand of fellowship, providing relief to those in distress. It inculcates obedience to God and laws of the country.

Freemasonry is not a religion, but it emphasises secularism through respect and tolerance for all religions and a belief in a Supreme Being without reference to caste, creed, race or religion. It is not a social club; it consists of a cross section of society, members meet and socialise on an equal footing; it also involves family members on social occasions. Anyone who is above 21 years and who believes in a Supreme Being can become a freemason.

Worldwide, freemasons are engaged in many philanthropic and charitable projects. Projects in India include a Masonic polyclinic and public school, a school for spastic children in Delhi, a children’s Masonic medical centre in Coimbatore, adoption of an entire village for all-round development in Visakhapatnam district, providing of sheds for cyclone victims in Andhra Pradesh, an orphanage for children who lost their parents in the tsunami at Karaikal, a community centre by way of tsunami relief in Kanyakumari district, dhanya dhan and ghyan dhan projects, bursaries and scholarships.

Freemasonry is a way of life which is intended to improve the personality of every one of its members for the larger good.

June 24 is Universal Brotherhood Day. Website: .