This is part 2 of a series called what leads to success .and These are some very basic ideas to achieve success and wiht clear goal in mind backed by focus and concentration along with hard work any one acn achieve any thing .
1.Follow your Dream :
Just start following your dream one step at a person can have Unlimited dreams ,filter out your most favorite ones.Like learning new languages,music instruments,travelling,dance,painting,reading,writing,blogging,and many more.these are small steps but will make a huge difference in life.
2.Talkers and Doers :
Great thinkers dreams are never fulfilled they are always Transcended .
Are you just one of those people who talk a lot and do very little ? Having all the wisdom and not moving a muscle to start is a complete waste of life .
Ideation with out execution is a mere delusion .Robin Sharma
So Don't just be a talker ,take the things in your own hands and start doing things ,you have power to move mountains just realize that and life will never be the same.
3. Passion :
No great thing was ever achieved without passion ,observed a thinker .A man with a passionate heart is the unstoppable force in the world ,Passion is the master key ,as Confucius was asked how to think about old age, he said when I am passionately thinking about some thing ,I forget about every thing in this world and age is nothing while i am passionate.
Passion can make you ,take a journey which you thought you could never make.Fill your heart and mind with your passion ,you will be standing with all the great people in this world.
4. Hard Work :
The harder I work ,luckier I get . I love that saying and I suggest you to take it seriously .There is nothing like hard work in this world, Zig Ziglar says The elevator to success is out of order and the steps(Hard Work) are always there .Hard work is the most promising and sure shot way to success.
5. Focus :
One needs to have focus on what he is doing,with focus and Concentration any task can be accomplished ,there is no Impossible talks to focused minds.Set goals and write them down in a small paper and read them daily ,feed it to your subconscious mind and read it before sleeping and after waking up .
This will help you maintain focus on the most important things in life .
6. keep Pushing :
Some times no matter how hard we try ,things seem to be out of range and we get discourage and disappointed ,these are the times one need to keep pushing things and never to give up. have the attitude of never ever give up. and those who keep on pushing irrespective of the obstacles are the ones who reaches unimaginable heights.
7. Innovate :
be a rebel and Idea box ,be proactive and Innovate your life. Just don't accept Ideas that some your way,question them ,every thing in life deserves a WHY ? .Take time daily to think about yourself,what you are doing ,how you are doing and how can improve the situation .
Have new ideas ,remember there is no box art all ,so leave the Box and Limitations thinking and create and innovate Give your ideas a go who knows you may be the next Steve Jobs .
8 .Sharpen your AXE :
According to Brain Tracy ,if you spend 3 % of what you earn back on your self to Improve skills and talents ,you will never ever have to worry about money or any thing again.Keep that Spark in you always burning ,be a student all the time and keep on learning new things and develop skills and this is a very key Idea.
Hope you like this article ,and Wishing you all the success in the world . Suggested : What Keeps you away from success