Monday, April 26, 2010

Don't think like THAT !

Don't think like that .that's my inner voice or self talk that is the most common response i get when I listen to peoples opinion and their thoughts.of course i never tell them that they are thinking in a wrong way ,i really some times feel bad for them.

In common observation i realized one thing we are our worst enemy.there is not a single enemy out there we are our worst nightmare and Irony is that most of the people will never realize this.and never going to accept this.

Always remember there is nothing good or bad,love or hate ,relation or just casual ,greed or jealousy,lust or love all these are a state of mind and they are Thoughts.

A man is what he thinks. This present thinking will be come you in your future and this thought in your past has created your future may sound confusing ,may be because of my Bad English, again these are not three different things they are just one thing in 3 different views.

Every thing in life is  thoughts and nothing more, Thoughts have Unparallel power in making or breaking you.When one understands the power of thoughts he will fear to think in a negative or bad ways.even for a second.

Don't think like that

Life is Wonderful and beautiful and it only cherish by good thoughts,Read Dhammapada or James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh.your life will never be the same.

Some real life advises :

1. Never Discourage any one : no matter how slow or bad he is doing as long as he is doing it never ever utter a single discouraging or negative word.It Improves your character.

2. Don't talk about a 3rd Party : I know its our favorite thing as humans and hard to follow this point ,but try as much as possible not to talk about a 3rd person ,Its not good to talk about a person ,most of times its counting his negative points and it is not ethical to talk about him when he is not there.

3.Avoid Wasteful Talk : most of time when we meet friends ,we talk about people who are not present there and all the negative things we see and the gibberish talks goes on and on with out ending ,try to avoid talks like this.

4.Avoid Advising Limitations : You cannot do this,its too hard for you, no one ever was able to do that ,and the limitation advises goes on,Stop acting as all-knowing almighty , When a man wants to do some thing in life ,if possible try to help him but never set limits. The other side of coin is as you allow the thoughts of limitations in your mind ,you not only discourage them but also set limits in your own life too.

5.Avoid Assumptions : Assumption is a thought,avoid it .never ever make an assumption in life ,it may be simple case of suddenly when you are talking on phone the other person hung up ,then our mind starts making a unwanted assumptions ,just to satisfy our curiosity of why he or she hung up ? .Making assumptions is a bad thing but with some exceptions.

You might wonder the link between Don't think like that and the above 5 points,these are most common reasons how we spread negativity in life of others,this weed is every where and once you start destroying this weed one step at a time,you optimism grows,you will realize how good it feels to encourage some one or how good it is only to think right thoughts.

Once you stop all the routes  for negativity in your thinking automatically you are making way for a happy positive life.