Friday, March 5, 2010

TeuxDeux A To-Do List App Like Your Paper Diary

todo_program Online to-do list application TeuxDeux handles your todo list in a minimal, dead-simple interface that looks and works a lot like a paper journal.

Once you've created a free account, you can simply start entering tasks for each day, or adding them to the Someday section beneath the main list. There's no special options, tags, priorities or anything else—the most you can do is drag/drop the items around the list, or click an item to mark it as done. It's really simple, but has one added feature that makes it useful—the unfinished items from yesterday will automatically be added for today's list.

The interface of TeuxDeux is beautiful with individual items separated by dotted lines just like pages of a real diary. The current day is highlighted in red while the dates that have passed are colored dull gray.

It is natural to compare a new to-do list application with existing popular apps like Remember the Milk, that offer tons of extra features as well as integration points with external applications, but TeuxDeux is more about managing to-do lists online just the way you would maintain them in a paper dairy.

TeuxDeux designer Tina Roth says they’re working on an iPhone app as well.

TeuxDeux [via Digital Inspiration and LifeHacker]